Feb. 05.

Dream Travel

A couple of weeks ago, I awakened suddenly with a feeling that I just dropped from somewhere and landed in bed.  It was a strange sensation.  Physically it felt very real.  As I awoke, I had the intuitive thought (they “feel” differently than regular thoughts to me now) that I just returned from the “other side”.  What that other side might be, I am still not sure.

When I discussed it with my unofficial mentor (she doesn’t want to admit to being a teacher or mentor), she said it was astral travel.  I do not remember anything that happened before the impact of returning, but she said it is a significant step in my awakening.

Unfortunately, I was not able to attend an Astral Travel class yesterday.  My mentor attended, however, and said it was a very good class.

Maybe next time, I’ll be able to remember where I go.  The other interesting aspect is that it happened while were travelling.  It’s never happened at home.  Does that mean that the new environment sparked the event?  Or am I just too comfortable at home to take such journeys?  Could it have happened because I was on vacation, and not suffering from the normal daily life stresses?  How can I trigger it to happen again in my normal life situation?

Feb. 04.

Smiley Face on an Empty Gas Tank

Disclaimer:  I am not yet able to be happy whatever happens.  Some things make me mad, or upset, or worried, or (insert real emotion here).  I am trying, however, to choose to be happy and loving in every situation.

When discussing this with friends, I have come across arguments like this to remind me to be a realist:  “You can’t just put a happy face sticker on my gas gauge and expect it to fill with gas.”

I thought upon this for quite some time.  Of course, being happy will not fill an empty gas tank in the literal sense, but that phrase and others like it have always felt discordant.  I thought about how I always encourage my children to choose to be happy.  It’s the same thing really if your gas tank goes empty.  You can get upset, blame yourself for not noticing, worry about being late to wherever you were headed, or you can choose to be happy.

So, you’ve run out of gas.  The Universe, God, Creator (insert your diety, dieties, or non-diety here) decided you needed a break from your hectic schedule.  You have been so focused on the day-to-day tasks that occupy your time that you have forgotten to take time for yourself and live.  What will you do?

Option 1: Get mad, grab your phone call the road service, towing company, significant other.  Stress out about how late you are going to be, throw a fit on the side of the road, yell and scream at how unfair it all is.

Option 2: Take a deep breath, realize what a beautiful day it is (rain or shine it doesn’t matter).  Put a smile on your face and yell, “Yahoo!  I don’t have to go to work today!”  Choosing to be happy even when something isn’t going how you planned makes every day brighter.  After all, every day something is not going as you planned.  That can often be a very good thing.

Scenario 1 played out:  You have a miserable day.  The road assistance is too slow, you’ve rumpled your clothes or gotten dirty.  At work (finally), you are irritable.  People avoid you or annoy you.  Your day is very unpleasant.

Scenario 2 played out:  Out of gas today – that sucked.  You stopped and looked around a little today.  You probably haven’t done that in a while, it was nice.  Work was skipped – it’ll hurt the paycheck, but what an unexpected treat.  Everyone will understand that you are a little behind for a day or two.  Someone new came into your life, if only briefly, when they helped you to the gas station.  Slowing down really brought some peace and joy into your day.

Did a smiley face fill your gas tank?  Of course, not.  But it sure made your day bearable, and maybe you even had a little fun.


Feb. 04.


Well, now I have to catch up.  I have been putting my energy into site improvements rather than the content.  Back to the real reason I’m doing this.  To explore…

I’ve never looked too deeply into the Shamanic side life.  The Shamanic, as I see it, is a attunement to nature.  Nature “talks” to you in metaphor.  Certain animals, plants, and natural occurrences convey attributes that communicate meaning in an intuitive manner.  I heard about people saying that they have a totem animal, an animal that conveys a reflection of self and assists in their inner discovery of themselves.  I always imagined my totem as probably being a wolf or falcon.  I suppose I picked those because of stories I read and certain aspects of those animals that I wanted to see in myself.  Boy was I wrong.  My totem made itself known this year.  My totem is cat.

Looking back it seems quite obvious.  I have many cat-like attributes; I don’t have to try to have them, they are an innate part of who I am now and who I have always been.  Cat “speech” has always come easily to me; I understand what they are trying to communicate.  Siamese “speak” a different language, but I was able to pick it up pretty quickly once I realized.  Eyelid motions, tail twitches, looking away – it’s all communication.

How did I find out that my totem was cat after all this time of living with cats and not seeing it?  A black cat crossed my path.  It “said” I’m hungry, help me.  I coaxed it out from under my truck with a friendly purring and clucking.  It came readily and I could see that it was starving, but had been well cared for in the past as it’s coat was full.  We brought it some food and water and fed it on our front porch.  I felt a tugging an intuitive tugging to bring it into the family.  I fought that feeling.  I really did not want to care for another animal.  We had 3 cats and a dog.  Another cat would would cause disruption, especially as two of our cats are half-Siamese (which are all a little crazy as far as I am concerned).  The tugging would not let up though, and I found myself outside looking over the cat.  Moments later we were feeding it inside the house.  I could see it was not well.  Which is to say it was healthy except for being nearly starved, but was not acting cat-like.  No tail twitching, no reaction when our want-to-be-dominate Siamese male hissed at it.  No startling when the kids made a lot of noise.  It worried me.  I kept a close eye on it throughout the rest of the evening.  At some point, the idea that cat was my totem struck me.  Like an avalanche, the thought started small, but undeniable.  Then the realization grew and it tumbled out in front of me.  Of course, cat was my totem.

With a slow blink, and a trilling purr…

P.S.  She’s doing much better now.

Jan. 21.

New and Refurbished

As all none of you have undoubtedly noticed, I have completely revamped the site.

The Events section will be updated as I learn of events. I love that SoulFood Books uses Google Calendar for their events as I was able to incorporate their calendar into mine.  Their events should stay updated automatically.  These tools available are amazing.

The Directory will be updated as I meet and learn about people who are talented.  I’m sure this list will grow rapidly.

Stores was fun to create, though initially frustrating as I had difficulties getting it to work.  Incorporating Google maps for directions is mind boggling.  I love all the wonderful tools!

Need a good read?  The Books page has a list of books I have read that moved me along in my explorations.  They are not in any particular order, though that may change as I learn more.  I actually decided to list authors at the bottom because it would take forever to list all the books.  Clicking on a book actually takes you to Amazonwhere you can purchase it!  Amazing.  Then I found a way to add a Kindle button underneath.  Too cool!  I must sound like an advertisement, but that is not my intent.  I just love the way it is all interconnected, much like we are all interconnected.

The Home page is, of course, the blog, and the About page lets you know why I am doing all this work (besides the fact that it’s fun).

I hope that my blog is fun and informative for anyone who might read it.  The various pages are growing out of a personal need to find information about exploring awareness.  It is very difficult to find a bookstore, or events, or practitioners of a spiritual, metaphysical, or whatever you want to call them, nature.  At least, it was for me.  Fortunately, as I grow I am meeting more people and expanding my social circle, even as I expand my consciousness.

May your exploration be blessed, and this information be helpful!

(Feel free to email me with any events, bookstores, wellness centers, etc. that might be interesting to others.)

Oct. 24.

Halloween Party Reading

I attended a Halloween party where there were various metaphysical specialists doing their thing.  During a reading with John Skyrman he basically started by asking why I was not doing readings.  This is about the 3rd or 4th time I have been told this by a psychic this year.  I guess I should start practicing.  I just don’t know how to begin.

How does someone begin giving readings?  Obviously I can start with family members who are supportive of this sort of thing, but then who do I practice on?  I suppose I had better get started with my community meeting idea.   That will at least give me a pool of folks to practice on, and give others a pool to practice on as well.

Oct. 21.

Life Paths

I have a friend that has confounded me.  At first, I thought he was completely disconnected from the path I am trying to explore.  That’s fine, most folks on the planet are disconnected, they are not here as explorers.  Nothing wrong with that, it just means we have different interests.  What I found after talking with him more, was that he is on his path.  He is perfectly content.  He is a walking Buddha.  He doesn’t have to explore his path.  He is not looking for further awareness.  His life is happiness.  When it is not, it changes and he is perfectly happy with that, too.  He loves his work, he loves sitting at home watching TV.  When the football game is on, he loves cheering when things go well.  When they don’t, he is happy and says, “Darn, maybe next time.”  Then he moves on to something else he enjoys.  Step by step, day by day, he is happiness.