Author Archives: Explorer

Oct. 24.

Halloween Party Reading

I attended a Halloween party where there were various metaphysical specialists doing their thing.  During a reading with John Skyrman he basically started by asking why I was not doing readings.  This is about the 3rd or 4th time I have been told this by a psychic this year.  I guess I should start practicing.  I just don’t know how to begin.

How does someone begin giving readings?  Obviously I can start with family members who are supportive of this sort of thing, but then who do I practice on?  I suppose I had better get started with my community meeting idea.   That will at least give me a pool of folks to practice on, and give others a pool to practice on as well.

Oct. 21.

Life Paths

I have a friend that has confounded me.  At first, I thought he was completely disconnected from the path I am trying to explore.  That’s fine, most folks on the planet are disconnected, they are not here as explorers.  Nothing wrong with that, it just means we have different interests.  What I found after talking with him more, was that he is on his path.  He is perfectly content.  He is a walking Buddha.  He doesn’t have to explore his path.  He is not looking for further awareness.  His life is happiness.  When it is not, it changes and he is perfectly happy with that, too.  He loves his work, he loves sitting at home watching TV.  When the football game is on, he loves cheering when things go well.  When they don’t, he is happy and says, “Darn, maybe next time.”  Then he moves on to something else he enjoys.  Step by step, day by day, he is happiness.

Oct. 21.

Finding Community

I attended Marie Manuchehri’s Stepping into Consciousness class.  Being around other people who are also exploring awareness fascinates me.  Each of us follows a similarly different path as we expand our awareness of this journey.  I am exploring how to create a community of folks that meet for the sake of being around other explorers.  Maybe I’ll start a meeting night at the library, like a book club, only where each of us shares our experiences.  We can learn from each other and remind ourselves that we are not odd, or weird, or kooky.  We are not any weirder than folks who whole lives revolve around Football.  We have an enthusiasm about shaping our lives and our world.  Creating our reality instead of just responding to it.

Jul. 27.

Giving Back

I have decided to try to be a source of Exploration for all of us (at least in the greater Seattle area, for now).  I am putting in local events such as psychic fairs and radio shows as I hear of them.  I am also putting in the local stores, so you can find books, tools, and classes to assist you in your journey.  I wish I could have had some of this information when I was learning, but of course, everything will come to you when you are ready.  As it did to me, and continues to do so.   I am glad that this site is helping you on the way.  There is now an Events page and a Stores page listed at the top.  I will add more as time permits.


Enjoy exploring your awareness!

Jul. 17.

I asked and it was given

I am always amazed at how everything can come together in seemingly unrelated ways.  Two weeks ago, I was asking my guides and angels to show me how I can connect with my psychic abilities.  This last weekend I was pleased to end up spending time sharing a ride with an amazingly psychic woman.  I asked her about how she began being psychic.  Her story led to a suggestion that I attend some classes with folks such as Marie Manucherhri.  Tonight I attended a class with Veronica Entwistle, and she had a flyer for Galexis next week in Bellingham.  I am blown away at the response I received from my guides and angels.  I hope it continues.  My manifestations have been growing more rapid and responsive lately.  What shall I ask for next?

Mar. 25.

The Early Experiences – Sunday School

I find myself curious about how I came to my spiritual beliefs.  Most days I believe what I believe and go on about my life.  Some days, however, I wonder how I came to this point.  I think an understanding of my background and what experiences formed my opinions and beliefs might help others on their path through life.  Everyone’s path is different, indeed each person’s whole experience is different.  We all create our own realities.  That was a tough concept for me to grasp at first.  Now it seems obvious.  The difference is experience and a willingness to question.

My early years provided me with an overlay of Protestant Christianity.  I was dutifully hauled off to Sunday school as a wee child.  I remember the simplified stories and tales told from the Bible with the intent that we all learn to be proper young children.  The stories were fun and the good guy always won.  Yay, team!  As I grew I was placed in classes with more pointed stories and discussions.  I remember the first time I heard the phrase, “fear of God”.  What’s this?  Fear God?  But He’s supposed to be this wonderfully nice guy that always takes care of us.  Why would we fear?  We aren’t the bad guy.

Apparently, the good guys were supposed to fear God as well.  That was my first impression that something was not right in Bibleland.

Now, I don’t recall being pointed out as a precocious child, but maybe that was because I was pretty quiet around people I didn’t know too well.  I found myself asking questions that were not well received.  Questions like, “You said Adam was the first man and Eve the first woman.  They had three sons.  Who did their sons marry?”

I learned very quickly not to ask questions.  Fortunately, I learned it well before we got to Job.  Yikes!  Our nice God that is supposed to take care of us is allowing one of His most ardent supporters to be tortured!  Sure, take all his wealth, kill off his family, make him sick, and he’ll still love Me and think I’m wonderful.

This is our reward for supporting and believing in His greatness?  Hmmm, that made me think.  Is this someone I would want to spend eternity with?  Ouch!

I also noticed that many of the people who attended church were very adamant about what was right during church, but went about the other six days of the week as if they were a different person.  This was certainly not the group of people I wished to associate with for the rest of my life.  I was wary of any person who had the ability to be a friend one day of the week and forget I existed the other six.  One of my sons has had this same experience, already.  (Yes, I let them find their own path.)

Being able to see this early let me free my mind to question alternative spiritual paths.  If I had accepted the teachings of the church and ignored the obvious contradictions, I would not have allowed myself to investigate anything else.  It would have all been labeled EVIL – Do not touch!  I recall being told that even reading other (non-Christian) spiritual matter would be a sin.

I returned to learn more about Christianity as I explored.  It is so pervasive that the peer pressure was intense to return to the church.  More about that later.  I just wanted to give everyone an idea of the underpinnings that led me to look elsewhere for the meaning of life.

Still, Sunday school had its lessons.  I learned how to operate a puppet, and that I really don’t sing well.

Feb. 06.

Seth Material’s Current Residence

In gathering information about this site and my personal explorations into the nature of life, I have found that the Seth material was donated to the Yale University Library.  It would be interesting to be able to read and hear some of the transcripts of their sessions.  I listened to a recording of Jane Roberts channeling Seth today for the first time.  It seemed to be an early recording.  It is interesting how disjointed she sounds.  I wonder if that continued into the later recordings.

Seth was an early teacher of mine.  I ran across the books at exactly the right time in my life (imagine that).   More on this later.  I just wanted to share that I found where the material went.  I was always curious about that.