Tag Archives: empathetic

Mar. 18.

Article on being an Empath

Here is an interesting article on being highly empathic.  This is what I experience.

“Because of the tendency for people to hide the full story, or try to control the situation, an empath will tend to feel a huge inner conflict or inability to process the enormity of the engagement. One of the main problems for Empaths is the lack of transparency and honesty in the world and the consequent resentment of having to process all the energy that is not in full view.”

– Trinity Bourne (author of the article)

There have been so many conversations where I “end people’s sentences”.  Sometimes I can understand what they want to say before they do themselves.  It greatly facilitates communication most of the time.

Occasionally, however, I would run across someone who was offended that I could figure out what they wanted to say.  They would change what they were saying after I helped, just to prove me wrong.  One of my bosses was like this, it was very frustrating.  We worked in a fast paced environment and she took forever to finish her thoughts.

Wonderfully, there are people who can also communicate energetically.  When you meet these folks, understanding flows so smoothly and effortlessly.  It’s quite blissful.  My wife and I communicate like this most of the time.

“Also it feels very interesting being in shops and towns etc. They’re so designed as to attract and ‘pull at’ people’s attention to buy certain products or at least to look at them. The energy of the matrix feels pretty strong in these places. This has felt overwhelming…”

-Ben (in the comments at the original site)

Going into shops, especially large ones, often leaves me feeling spun out and twisted.  The energy in those place is very chaotic.  When I was a child, my parents would take me to Home and Garden shows and I would often start to pass out.  Eventually, I learned how to close off the energy from others.  That never felt good either.  It was kind of like walking around with noise-cancelling earphones.  One of my senses had to be “turned off”.


– The article referenced

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