Oct. 21.

Life Paths

I have a friend that has confounded me.  At first, I thought he was completely disconnected from the path I am trying to explore.  That’s fine, most folks on the planet are disconnected, they are not here as explorers.  Nothing wrong with that, it just means we have different interests.  What I found after talking with him more, was that he is on his path.  He is perfectly content.  He is a walking Buddha.  He doesn’t have to explore his path.  He is not looking for further awareness.  His life is happiness.  When it is not, it changes and he is perfectly happy with that, too.  He loves his work, he loves sitting at home watching TV.  When the football game is on, he loves cheering when things go well.  When they don’t, he is happy and says, “Darn, maybe next time.”  Then he moves on to something else he enjoys.  Step by step, day by day, he is happiness.